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Jornades culturals EOI

26 febrer, 2024 @ 17:00

Banyoles · La Cúpula

Organitza: Escola Oficials d’Idiomes


Dimecres 21 | 19 h

 Destination Sud, a càrrec de Flavie Louesdon.


Dilluns 26 

17 h Diversity and inclusion. The project of Persian poetry on a plate.

18.45 h The women of Iran.


Dimarts 27 

17 h Experiences of women and girls in Ghana.

18.45 h Experiences of women and girls in Ghana.

ornades culturals- anglÈS

Dimecres 28 

 Banyoles ·· La Cúpula

Organitza: Escola Oficials d’Idiomes

A càrrec de Marie Abigail Jones, Linguae.

17 h 10 readings that will change the way you see the world.

18.45 h The best thing since sliced bread! Common English idioms and expressions. Meaning and origin.


Dijous 29 

A càrrec de Josh Valcarcel.

17 h Weird things people eat.

18.45 h Sh!t.


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26 febrer, 2024
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